Expert Legal Advice From Consumer Voice
- Get one on one personalised legal advice from our specialist legal advisers
- Step by step guidance on how you might be able to resolve your issue
- Our advise will give you confidence to know your rights and fight for them
*only Rs. 499/- Per Case

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Why Consumer Voice Legal
Our legal team will help you with your case for a very nominal fee.
*only Rs. 499/- Per Case
Consumer Voice Legal advice is available when you need it.
Need personalised professional legal advice. Consumer Voice Legal provides access, by phone and email, from our team of specialist legal advisers:
- Your fee entitles you to get expert advice on your case (1 only).
- Professionals who know how to protect your rights are on hand to help
- Personalised legal advice for your individual case
Resolve your issue with legal support covering a range of topics:
- Consumer advice regarding goods and services you purchased
- Property Disputes, Landlord & tenancy advice and disputes
- Medical Negligence – when you have not been treated properly or when medical staff do not conform to the medical standards or do not provide reasonable care during operation, diagnosis or treatment.
- Other legal issues
- We can’t represent you in civil or criminal matters.
- We can’t take any case which is for commercial and business purpose.
- We do not deal with any case which is not related to consumer matters.
Simple ways to solve your everyday consumer problems

Know your rights, Join Consumer Voice Legal to fight with confidence!